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  • Update & My Latest Art On Sale

    Hello and thank you for calling by my blog. I appreciate you taking the time to read my posts and I'd like to update everyone as to what's been happening since my last entry. I'm still enjoying art very much, you can find my latest artwork in my Gina 101 Art Gallery, the link is in the bar at the top of the page :) I have been following some tutorials by Art With Flo who I highly recommend for anyone wanting to learn how to paint digitally. She explains everything beautifully and helps guide you through the painting process. I managed to paint my latest doll, I have named her Donnalee after a friend. She's a little winter doll, and is on sale in Secret Garden Designs as an R4R purchase or you can purchase her for CU/PU also. Here she is:- “Would you like to purchase her?” If so, you can click on the shop now button to take you to Secret Garden Designs or by simply clicking the link here -> Also I made a tag for a very good friend of mine using my doll, I am rather pleased with the final result below:- I don't often tag and do graphic designs now as my time is mostly taken up painting these days but when I do get around to tagging, I do still enjoy it very much. How have you all been since I last blogged? Did you have a nice Christmas and new year? I didn't do much really, I spent Christmas with my sons and dog and stayed home for New Year's Eve. I normally watch the fireworks display but I didn't bother this time. I have a lot to look forward to this year, Spring being one of those things. We are in the midst of Storm Ciara here right now and so far, fingers crossed, no structural damage. Just a few bins that have been blown away from gardens, although there are reports of trees that have blown down locally. If you follow me elsewhere you'll know I have also been spending time making motion graphics and posting them to my Pinterest page here -> and also to my Instagram account using IGTV At the moment I am working on some papers for a collab theme for Secret Garden Designs, I also have an exciting announcement to make very soon, if all goes well I will be blogging about this in the coming week at the soonest. I really can't wait to tell you all, but until it is all sorted, I will wait until then. Lots of exciting new developments to come. Speaking of, thank you to all my new website members and subscribers, I really do appreciate your lovely comments you leave and for signing up to become members. I have some plans to refresh the forum which has been quiet here for a little while so I'm hoping people will join up and get involved and enjoy meeting one another and chatting about various topics of art and design. If you wish to discuss motion graphics there too as I know a lot of you really enjoy them, then you'll be most welcome to do so. I can offer tutorials on how they are made and any advice you would like to help you get started. Once again, my deepest thanks to all of you who are site members, some of you have been here since day one and I really appreciate you for it and I'm very grateful to you for standing by me and supporting my art. It has been a journey of very mixed emotions, lately I have been especially sensitive to my circumstances and as a result have allowed certain things to affect me in a way that doesn't always bring out the very best in me. I had some news that has been playing on my mind ever since, however, I am just going with the flow and seeing what happens there. Not much else I can do for now. I'm sure things will work out for the best. I wanted to also say a special thank you to Art With Flo who sent me a beautiful artwork through the post, it arrived yesterday morning and has taken pride of place in my room. It was completely unexpected and such a lovely surprise, I have it placed on my chest of drawers in a frame next to my candles and wax melt burner. My bedroom is my sanctuary of peace, I have wind chimes, crystals and all sorts in there to help bring me peace of mind and soul. It's my favourite room to relax in. I keep stacks of photos, art and all sorts in there. I wish you all a wonderful rest of the weekend and a terrific week ahead, thank you all so much for being a part of my online life, my art journey and for all the love, kindness and sweet comments you leave for me here and on Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook. Much love to you all, always Gina xoxoxo

  • Welcome To The New Look Website

    Hello and a very warm welcome to my brand new website. I have made many changes, including selling my art elsewhere, so please read on to find out what's happened. Before we get started, I'd like to introduce you to my latest painting, say hello to my Harley Quinn R4R doll. I'm so proud of her. *Fluffs feathers all proudly* “Would you like to purchase her?” Well, if so then you can. Simply click the Shop Now button to take you to the store I sell in. So, what's been happening since I last blogged? I will tell you. I think my last blog was around 18 months ago (ish) So much has been happening offline, culminating in my packing up gradually to get ready to move house in the new year. I'm actually so excited to be moving, I am looking forward to being in a new home, new area and starting again completely. I will also be looking to go back to work part time too. I absolutely love art, I will never stop painting as it's art for breakfast, lunch and dinner and art for snacks in between, then I live, breathe, sleep and adore art. Art is something I can never be without for a second. I find my mind racing with creativity, especially at 2 in the morning when I'm supposed to be asleep! :) I've also had a few bits and pieces going on offline, which means that I have been away from online life a bit more and it's doing me good to spend more time away from the computer, switching the phone on silent and just enjoying my surroundings more. In any spare time I've had I have been working rebuilding the website in the hope it will run smoother, faster and much be much sleeker looking. I hope I have achieved that as I think the last design was far too cluttered and I am not a fan of clutter in any form. I hope you will enjoy the changes I have made here, I hope to be bringing you more frequent blog entries in future, together with some tutorials. I thought it might be nice if we could all learn art together and hope that it's something that may capture your interest. I also have plans to create tutorials in digital tagging and design, a lot of my friends liked a seamless background tutorial I wrote sometime ago and I plan on rewriting it for the new site. There's so much more exciting things to come. Right now I am working on painting a fluffy chick for a friend and also to sell in the new store I'm in. I'm saddened to say goodbye to my own store, however I simply couldn't continue with something that wasn't bringing me any joy any more. I will be attending art classes and therapy soon, I've been learning some valuable life lessons these past months and I need to surround myself with people who are good for my soul, if that makes sense? I'm clearing out the negative as well as anything I have no use for any more at home. I'm determined to make a positive difference to not only my life, but the lives of my sons too. This is just the beginning and like I said, I am so excited for the future. Thank you for reading and for being a part of my life and art journey. Best wishes to you.#art #reallife #reallife #art


Gina 101 Creative Moods 

Pastel Memories Kit (65).png
Pastel Memories Kit (65).png
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Proudly created with imagination and tea

Lofi the salty taste of the wind
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