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  • Happy Easter Videos & Update.

    Hello everyone, I hope you are all having a wonderful, peaceful and very blessed Easter weekend. I wanted to also update you all as to some developments that have been happening around me offline. We finally are having some Spring like weather here in London, UK, after what feels like the longest Winter ever!! I have been enjoying long walks with my sweet little Eddie and we have been walking around the pretty lakes and going for walks in the woods as well. I am extremely behind on uploading footage of us, in fact I am not far off a year behind due to advice I took from my local Police and the services I have involved in terms of my maniacal stalker. I was advised not to upload my whereabouts, especially in real time, so that put a stop to any Live videos I had planned to record on Facebook and on here, instead those plans were shelved and still are sadly. I was also advised to hold off on uploading anything to do with me personally that would cause my stalker to become even more enraged and jealous than she usually is, so that put a stop to any videos of recent walks with Eddie. I know what you may probably be thinking here, why should I have to stop uploading footage of the happiest moments of my life? Trust me, I thought the same thing and I did ask ... The answer is very simple... I shouldn't have to, but for my safety and the safety of my family, it is for the best for the time being. So, when it's put like that, I guess it is for the best. Such a shame I am held to ransom in this way and more so, it then spoils it for everyone else too who enjoys my posts and videos as well. My stalker views my personal posts as me trying to outdo or outspend her when it really is nothing of the sort. My posts are none of her business, she chooses to make my life her business for her own sick and evil minded purposes. In the past week or so, I have been spending more time at the hospital due to seizure like episodes that began the week before last one night in the middle of the night. It's the oddest feeling as I suddenly go cold, then I shake and tremble uncontrollably, my teeth chatter and I cannot function at all. I don't lose consciousness, however, my head is very muddled and confused and aches quite a bit afterwards and each episode lasts quite a while, the longest being half an hour. They are completely exhausting and all I can do afterwards is sleep. The Doctor doesn't seem to think, however, they are seizures as actual seizures are much shorter in the duration of time they occur. My blood tests revealed that my inflammation markers are elevated and I have to have further blood tests next week and an urgent chest X-Ray. They seem convinced I am in a Sarcoidosis flare -up, quite a bad one as they are worried my Sarcoidosis is once again active, so that is not a good thing at all. I also have to see Neurology as well, so the X-Ray and tests are whilst I'm awaiting my appointment to come through. I will keep you all updated as and when I know more. In terms of my stalker, it seems like we are making some positive progress and that finally the services I have involved are getting some results and having them helping me is beginning to pay off. She, of course, is still as arrogant as ever, behaving like she is perfectly innocent and playing the victim beautifully to those who are not wise enough to think or to know better. I wonder why no one asks her for proof of what she says when she posts libel about myself and my friend. It's the first thing I would do if I saw someone I followed saying detrimental things about someone else and making such severe claims, I would ask them to post proof, otherwise how are we expected to believe something like that? I guess fools attract fools ... Birds of a feather and all that.... Yet, she still continues to copy and plagiarise my friend and I and expect us to be okay with that too... I don't think so... Anyway, I do hope you are all having a lovely and peaceful Easter weekend and I wish you all lots of love and best wishes. Please take care and stay safe out there. Be careful who you trust and be cautious online, always, ALWAYS be cautious... You honestly can never be too careful. Please don't get scammed and protect yourselves as best you can to try to avoid the absolute heartache and distress my stalker and her accomplice have put me, my family and my friend and her family through too. Please don't let this happen to you. Until we speak again, all my love, Gina. XoXo

  • Cute Kittens Free Desktop Wallpapers

    Hello everyone, it has been a little while since I last blogged here and I hope you are all keeping well and looking forward to the much warmer weather. It's officially Spring here in the UK and it just wouldn't be England without way too much rain!! We are having a lovely sunny but cold day today, however, the forecast is for rain for the rest of the week pretty much. Things here are progressing well in terms of the problematic individual and her crew who harass, stalk and bully my friend and I daily. I have managed to make some significant progress, both with my local Police and the Police in her jurisdiction. This case has been fraught with many issues and problems, mostly because this involves multiple sets of Police and is an inter-jurisdictional matter. Had my stalker been based in the UK she would've been arrested a very long time ago, way before it got as far as it has. It seems that Facebook and Instagram are the same old nonchalant mess they have been for many years, the fact remains they simply do not care for their users, they freely allow hacking, stalking, harassment, doxxing and many other illegal and criminal activities. Maybe that's why my stalker loves being on both platforms so much? She spends a lot of her time on both platforms stalking and harassing my friend and me. Both our families aren't off limits either. I've been sent screenshots of my artwork still being posted by my crazy stalker, therefore more proof she is taking her 'souvenirs' as she refers to them as. The rape of my art, identity and privacy continues. But, not for much longer, fingers crossed and watch this space... I will update you all as soon as we have a breakthrough, which is much needed and long overdue. It's not just myself who would love closure to this matter, there are others involved here who are hurting on a daily basis because of this vile, evil, narcissistic and foul person. We all deserve peace and a positive outcome to this, I mean positive as in her immediate arrest and prosecution. I am trying so hard to have her incarcerated, I don't know if that will happen, but it certainly won't be for lack of trying!! She has done some unforgivable things to all of us. We want justice. How are you all? I hope you are all doing well and are healthy, happy and blessed. As we are heading towards Spring, I wanted to paint something cheerful to use as my desktop computer background and I ended up painting way more than I intended as I got carried away LOL ... So, I thought I would share this set of cute little kittens, some are sleepy and others are sat in amongst some pretty Spring flowers and lavender as well. I have enclosed the zip folders for you to download and unzip them to your computer. I've been wanting to create a gift for you all for ages, time has been scarce here due to my selling my home and business properties and I haven't had much to spare sadly. I have enclosed below a couple of my favourites from the attached zip folders. There are 35 very cute desktop wallpapers in total, 23 are of cute kittens in meadows and lavender fields and the other 12 are cute kittens sleeping at midnight .... I hope you will all enjoy your gift and I hope the paintings bring you happiness and brighten up your desktop. My next theme will be puppies ... I absolutely love dogs, as I'm sure those of you who know me will know all too well how much I love and adore dogs, especially my little baby, Eddie. Enclosed below are a couple of examples of what you will find in the zip folders attached:- Please do feel free to help yourselves and download the zip folders for all the full size paintings, 35 in total if you download both zip folders. I wish you all the very best and every happiness and I hope my paintings bring you as much joy as they did for me painting them. Each one is unique, yet similar ... I will be working on some dogs and puppies for my next giveaway on my blog ... Coming soon... Thank you so much for reading and for downloading ... If you like and enjoy my artwork, please consider tapping that little heart icon and showing some love ... I really appreciate it and you very much. Til we speak again, all my love to you all, love from Gina and Eddie XoXo.

  • The Horror Of Facebook And Instagram.

    Hello everyone, it has, again, been far too long since my last blog entry and I have some updates to share with you all, including my latest artwork (which I am very proud of as it is another milestone for me) to updates relating to the horrifically unpleasant situation regarding my vile and disgusting stalker and some of her less educated and more deranged followers. I will begin with my evil stalker and then we can move on to the more pleasant topics of discussion so we conclude this blog entry on a much more positive note. Since my last blog entry, my stalker, Edna Fae Mcqueen, who poses as Lady In Red on Facebook (she has many pages including Lady In Red Coffee Hour 2021/Halloween, Rosie May, etc as well as over 90 different false identities I am aware of) has took it upon herself to continue to constantly post libel about me across Facebook and Instagram too. As a result, I have been stalked and am still being stalked and harassed by some of her less intelligent followers, culminating in some of them sending me aggressive and threatening messages, inclusive of demanding that I kill myself and also threatening me with physical violence. I have also been threatened with physical violence publicly in the comments section of some of her libel posts about me. She has refused to delete the libellous and illegal content she has posted about me, coupled with an abusive video attached to some of her outbursts on Facebook and Instagram. What really is astonishing to me is the amount of people who believe her without a single shred of evidence from her to back up what she is saying about me and also my friend, that is why it is libel and illegal, because it is untrue and fiction and as a result is causing me further harm and endangerment. She then had the absolute temerity to try reaching out to my family who she is also stalking. Thankfully, my family know better than to engage with this mentally unstable and obsessed creature. Upon seeking both legal advice and advice from the specialists I have involved in my case, we have all agreed it's for the best that I deactivate my Facebook account and all my pages affiliated with that account. I have never agreed to this in the past, not because the services and advisers are trying to victim blame and shame me, but because I truly believe my life and the lives of my family are in a certain amount of danger because of what this creature is allowed to post. It only takes one mentally deranged lunatic to read her posts and decide to help her out and as she knows my location because she is a deranged stalker, she would gladly pass that on to anyone else without a care or thought for the innocent parties. I have been advised to leave this with the Police, both in my locale and in hers in California and to stay away from Facebook, Instagram and social media as much as possible for the foreseeable future. I hardly post on Instagram anyway so the account is pretty much dormant, so that leaves me with Pinterest and my website here which is fine with me. I have also had to cut right back on posting my walks with my sweet little baby dog, Eddie, which saddens me as they bring me so much joy and I love to share in that joy with my friends and followers alike. Being a page owner and admin on Facebook brings much stress and challenges as well, without the added distress of having a mentally deranged stalker who is so desperate to be you, they will do and say literally anything to try and emulate you in any way at all. This also coincides with their sick and demented obsession and fixation with you. They will publicly berate and belittle you, post as much libel as they can get away with, encourage gang stalking, stalking by proxy and even go so far as to drag your innocent friends and family into their sick hate campaign. Throughout the entire duration of this stalking and harassment, Edna Fae Mcqueen/Lady In Red has systematically stalked and harassed my friend and I for what feels like forever, but is approximately 6 years as we were both being stalked before we found out we were. Edna Mcqueen has so many false identities that we can never be entirely sure that we have her fully blocked on any social media. She seems to always find a way to infiltrate our privacy and that includes the crime of account hacking, which she has performed many times against us. She has hacked into our social media, our personal accounts and even my banking. Her list of illegal crimes and behaviour towards us is as follows:- Stalking and harassment. Hacking accounts and banking. Identity theft and impersonation, including cloning our Facebook business pages and personal accounts. Posting libel, slander and defamation. Stalking by proxy. Doxxing multiple times. Art theft and multiple copyright violations. Stalking family members and friends. Gang stalking. Attempted extortion and committing fraud. In amongst that highly unpleasant pea soup of crimes, she was also and still is also extremely abusive and never goes a day without posting something spiteful and untrue about me, my friend and our loved one's. She will also plagiarise us in some way, be that in art, words or just our own natural style and ways. I have tried my utmost best to continue with my Facebook pages and account, but the harassment, stalking and the horrendous abuse from her and her less intelligent followers became rather overwhelming and very isolating too in many ways. I don't know how long I will be away from Facebook, I haven't really decided as yet ... I am enjoying some much needed peace and quiet from it all, although I do miss my sweet Carol most of all. So, I can't promise when I will return, it could be days or weeks or even months, or maybe not at all ... I honestly don't know. All I do know, is that I want something to be done to stop this and the services I have involved are doing everything they can to work with the Police to have her arrested and prosecuted. I do believe that Facebook and Instagram need to also take accountability for what they allow on their platforms as both are a lawless society. I guess Meta is not better. Okay, so let's move on and change the subject to something that brings me a lot of joy and that I hope brings you joy and happiness as well .... Art... I feel like I have reached several milestones in my art journey, all recently and it means the absolute world to me that the effort, time and all the joys and mistakes have got me to where I am today. It's humbling and it's also such a great feeling to see my work being enjoyed across social media. To know that I am hopefully brightening a person's day means everything. So, I wanted to share in a small sample of my recent work and I hope you will enjoy them too. Thank you for reading my blog, God bless you and please take care ... Until we speak again ... I hope it will be soon!! Lots of love, always, Gina and Eddie. XoXoXo

  • Latest Update Regarding My Cruel Stalker Of Four Long Years.

    Hello everybody, I hope this blog finds you well, happy and as healthy as possible. As some of you are aware, I have a truly evil and jealous, obsessed and maniacal Stalker who refuses to leave me and my friend, Carol, alone. Everyday we are subjected to her stalking, harassment, bullying, doxxing and libel. Both of us have had and have our identities stolen by her, along with our artwork. There's never a day goes by whereby Edna Fae Mcqueen doesn't do something to harass and bully myself and Carol. Edna will also go and has gone as far as to hack into our accounts and banking, she has done this to me many times... She will then post sensitive and once private information to the public domain, mostly Facebook, for the purpose of abuse, endangerment of me and my family, who she has also doxxed and posted sensitive information about along with a lot of bullying towards all of us. She hopes to humiliate Carol and me and none of her stunts have worked. Her latest spate of abuse, stalking and harassment is currently in full swing on Facebook, however, as you will also see in the enclosed video and in my featured posts and videos here on Facebook Edna Mcqueen never ever provides any proof to back up her wild claims and libel directed towards myself and Carol, instead, she posts childish and really nasty videos, coupled with a libellous statement or simply words on the screen with no back up or substance to them. However, both Carol and I always provide proof of what we say when we are forced to defend ourselves in response to the many unprovoked attacks and assaults on us and our good character. It seems to me that Edna Fae Mcqueen is so far gone and so deeply consumed with her jealousy and obsession, she wants to destroy me, my entire life, my art business and everything I have worked so hard for and she wants to destroy Carol and try to undermine our good name and all the good work we have done over the years. If I post a video or photo of myself anywhere, Edna Mcqueen loses her shit big time and flies into a massive internet rage and posts one rage update about me after the other and they are all filled with such a level of hatred you would find in someone like the murderer, Jodi Arias. She will also play the victim, much like Jodi Arias to try and save her own skin. Edna Fae Mcqueen started stalking and harassing Carol and me four years ago and has not stopped since, despite multiple warnings by the Police in both Livermore, California and in my locale. She also has over 80 different identities she has used to stalk and harass me, she absolutely hates it when she is blocked by me, it drives her even more insane and she can't cope without knowing what I'm doing and where I am at all times. She is absolutely beyond crazy, she is also documented online as extremely unstable mentally dating as far back as the mid to late 90's. So, keeping in mind her history and every single thing she has done to both myself and Carol, this video is in response to her latest spate of foul abuse and libel she is posting across her many Facebook pages and social media. I know it might seem a little harsh, however, after four long years of this lunatic and her predatory behaviour, stalking, harassment and everything else, I believe I am justified in my post here and that it is long overdue. She pushed and pushed and pushed for attention, well, now she has it and can enjoy it, can't she?! Thank you for reading and for watching my video, please don't forget to check my featured and other videos here on Facebook. Lots of love and best wishes to you all, Gina XoXo. This video is only accessible to website members. An altered version of this video will be posted to my Home Page and the opening image will be changed to one already available in the public domain.

  • Let's Discuss Sleep...

    Sleep!! That’s the topic at the moment. Do you struggle to sleep? If you suffer from chronic illness and pain then I am guessing your answer may also be yes. For me, sleep has been a struggle for me since my husband got terminally sick when I was 33. He would have long stays in hospital having chemotherapy, it would be just my children and I at home and the night was always the loneliest time and the hardest for me to get through. I remember spending hours upon hours scouring the internet in search of a suitable bone marrow donor for him, the endless trawling through websites clinging onto some desperate hope that one may be found. The worry of having to face this world without him was too much. I worried for my children having to face this world without their father most of all. It was a lot to experience and ever since, sleep has eluded me. I’ve never had a decent sleep since this happened, one eye always open guarding my children at night, it became a habit that I still cannot break to this day. So, what can we do to try and help us relax and sleep as best we can? My answer is right here. My Eddie is one reason I can relax better now and although I don’t sleep well, I sleep better when I do manage to sleep because I hold him close and he makes me feel we are all safe. He’s my comfort zone for sure. Another method I’ve adopted to try to help me relax and sleep is investing in an Aurora Borealis Lamp. They’re not unreasonably priced and are a wonderful distraction from pain too …. Some play relaxation sounds, my one has a variety of options to choose from and a laser stars show too with a moon. It helps. Also, wax melts and tea lights are very helpful. The scent fills the room with a luxurious aroma and awakens the senses taking you to paradise … I highly recommend them, they’re not expensive and they are also a fabulous distraction from pain. So, what do I do when I’m woke in the night? I do have a Jack Russell after all and he does keep me on my toes! My baby is 13 and as a senior dog has his struggles with making it to the toilet on time. Plus, he is a bit of a diva so chances are I’ll be up at all hours mopping up his pee as he didn’t make it to the back door in time. Who wants to pee outside when it’s cold and dark too? Not my boy!! And that’s okay, he’s old and I love him. Once I’ve finished my mopping up duties, I sometimes grab a hot drink, tea mostly as coffee triggers migraines in me, I bring it up to bed and wrap Eddie up in the blankets, kiss his soft little velvet ears and tell him how perfect he is, then I just lay there beside him and admire him whilst I drink my tea. I might at this point need my painkillers. I have several chronic illnesses, all of which produce chronic extreme pain and exhaustion. I have to take strictly regulated painkillers to be able to live as normal a life as I possibly can. They’re a very high dose as well and I’ve been taking them for years responsibly and I’m strict with the dosage. If I’m lucky enough to get some more sleep, I will wake at around 5am and that’s when I tend to start my day. I hope that if you decide to try some of my tips, tricks and life hacks to help you sleep, you are successful and feel more relaxed and less sleep deprived. If you’d like some more information on my Aurora Borealis Lamp and wax melts, please message me and I’ll send you the links to where you can have a look and decide if you wish to purchase those items. Have a beautiful Thursday everyone and please enjoy the sounds of the night along with Eddie snoring away! He’s so beautiful. Our love to you, always. Gina and Eddie XoXo Blog entry first published on Facebook here on November 3rd 2022.

  • Discussing Self Care & Some Personal Tips.

    Okay, let’s talk self care….. What do you do to spoil yourself just a little bit? It’s Saturday and it’s a rainy and dull day here in dear old London Town, England. My plans with Eddie today could be spoilt due to the weather conditions. As some of you know, we both enjoy our long nature walks together, we frequently visit the lake and the walk is so invigorating and refreshing on the skin and within one’s soul. This morning I decided to spoil myself and have coffee with cream and marshmallows…. Why not? I waited and waited in the hope the weather would brighten up and be kind. So far, Mother Nature has ignored me! Do I wait or do I risk it and leave the house in the pouring rain knowing Eddie doesn’t like the rain very much in his senior years and knowing we might not be able to get to the lake in these conditions? My heart says wait and see…. So, I made another very weak coffee with more cream and marshmallows…. I’m at peace with everything right now, I’m relaxing cuddled up to Eddie, I can hear the rain falling down, patting the ground as if to gently kiss it and regenerate the grass that only a few months ago, was in desperate need of water. There’s some hustle bustle outside, people busy going about their day, I’m warm and content to just rest here next to my baby as he snores and twitches in his sleep. Believe it or not, this is one factor of my personal self care regime. Just being. Spoiling myself a little and just being. Not rushing about meeting deadlines, no pressure or stress…. I’m just being. I have to be careful with the coffee though as I don’t wish to trigger a migraine. If you suffer from a chronic condition or pain or both, then, like me, you’re probably careful with your diet. Too much of this or that is risky and can possibly cause a flare up or even stronger pain than you’re usually in. And, if like me, you’re no stranger to a high dose of Prednisone, then you’ll know all too well the adverse effects of that horrible medication. I’m glad to be free of that particular medication and I work hard to try and ensure I never have to take it again. It doesn’t hurt to spoil oneself though once in a while and it’s all part of my self care plan. I want to take you all with Eddie and me today, to show you the beautiful countryside as even in the rain it’s still so magnificent to witness. I cannot promise that’ll happen, but I will try and record some footage for you all. If we don’t manage to get to the lakes today, that’s okay. I have so much footage I recorded earlier this year to show you so I hope that will suffice and I hope you will relax and enjoy. Please do try and adopt self care if you can. When we become sick we sometimes punish ourselves because we feel useless and surplus to requirements. Just know you are not useless and you are of immeasurable value to yourself and those around you. Spoil yourself and know you do deserve it, you deserve love and you deserve your self esteem and respect. You are worthy. You are not your illness. With that said, please enjoy the tv show I put together for you, it’s a number one hit!! Thank you for reading and Eddie and I hope to see you later at the lake. If not then hopefully we can show you the pretty horses and the crisp Autumn leaves scattering the grounds, glistening as they’re kissed by the raindrops and lifted with the wind dancing in the cool breeze. Enjoy your coffee and some excellent tv. Eddie and I thank you all for being here. Love from Gina and Eddie. XoXo Blog entry first published on Facebook here on November 5th, 2022.

  • Update Relating To My Stalker

    Hello everyone, it has been a while since my last blog and so much is going on that I haven't really had too much time to update you all to the latest developments. Before I continue, for those of you who are new to my website or any of my other social media, especially Facebook, here is a quick recap of what's going on from the beginning. At some point in 2018, I attracted the attention of an Edna Fae Mcqueen. She took a liking to my art and began to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram under one of her many false aliases, this one being Martin Hail. I had no idea I was being cyber stalked at the time and for how long before it came to light. By the time it was brought to my attention that I was being stalked, it was late 2019. I was made aware that my Instagram posts were being taken by Edna Mcqueen posing as Martin Hail and she was claiming them as her own work and taking the credit for them on her Facebook business pages, mostly under the alias of Lady In Red Coffee Hour along with others too, which she still uses to this day. This continued for a number of months and I never said anything nor did I approach her. I guess I let it slide a little bit and sometimes I wonder if that was the right thing to do because now I believe she felt and still feels self entitlement over me and of any of my art and creations. Here's why. In April 2020 it was brought to my attention that Edna Fae Mcqueen created a Facebook business page using my identity, posting my art to that page for likes, follows and attention. I politely asked her to stop. She didn't and her stalking and harassment escalated and grew insidiously more vengeful, bitter, hateful, jealousy and obsession fuelled over time and into what it is today, four years later. To date Edna Fae Mcqueen and her flying monkey, Rusty Downs, real name is Gary R Downs, have systematically teamed up to gang stalk, cyber bully, harass and assault me daily and stalk, harass and assault anyone connected with me and who defends me. The stalking includes malicious communications in messages online, abusive text messages to my USA phone number, unwelcome emails to an address I never gave to anyone else, hacking my accounts and stealing sensitive information about me along with images of me and my family to post to the public domain for the purpose of doxxing, abuse, cyber bullying and humiliation, identity theft multiple times, art theft and copyright infringement. This behaviour has continued to present day. I have been doxxed multiple times, had my images posted with abuse on them multiple times, received death threats from both Edna Mcqueen and Rusty Downs. It is an everyday occurrence online, mostly on Facebook. For some reason, if I post anything to do with me or my offline life, for example, my garden, a walk with my dog, saying hello to my followers, Edna hits the roof and goes absolutely mental about it, posting ridiculously low level slander and gossip, 99% of it connected to my looks in some way, for example, her hilariously vile, multiple slanderous diatribes about me wearing wigs, having false teeth and being rather rotund in the body department LOL, referring to me most of the time as '360'.... It seems that my actual real life and appearance are highly triggering for her, meaning that she cannot cope and takes leave of her senses by launching into some hate frenzy of posting non stop lies, hate speech and vitriolic diatribes about me. Edna Fae Mcqueen is dangerously and abnormally obsessed with me..... I have never been on the receiving end of jealousy as dangerous as this before and can only compare it to the movie Single White Female and the level of obsession and jealousy to the murderer, Jodi Arias, who pretended she was a 'survivor'. That is exactly what Edna Fae Mcqueen does, plays victim to the circumstances she created, desperately trying to look good in the hopes she will come off as the innocent victim. Astonishingly enough, some are fooled by her theatrics and her baseless accusations, but they don't matter. The truth is all that matters and the truth always wins eventually. Truth will out. I have notified both the Police in my locale and in Edna Mcqueen's jurisdiction. They are aware of her and what she is doing, along with the threats I have received from some of her followers as a direct result of her slanderous pinned posts to her Facebook pages. None of her followers who believe her on face value have ever stopped to ask her where her evidence is. If they did, they'd be sorely disappointed and disillusioned as she has none... That's because she is a pathological and habitual liar, along with a severely mentally unstable narcissistic psychopath and sociopath. The current situation is this.... I have involved an anti stalking advocacy service, a cyber specialist team who are all working in conjunction with the Police to try and resolve this matter for me. Facebook, as usual, are doing what they do best to protect their innocent users.... Absolutely nothing!! Edna Mcqueen isn't allowed to get away with this behaviour on any other social media platform, only Facebook deem it acceptable. So, with that, I will leave you with my video I released to my Facebook page yesterday which caused Edna Fae Mcqueen to have multiple earth shattering meltdowns along with firing smoke out her arse and ears like a raging choo choo!! All joking aside, the fact is I am not safe, my family are not safe and this matter does need to be resolved, resulting hopefully in Edna Mcqueen's incarceration for her many crimes committed against me, my family and friends. Any good thoughts, well wishes and prayers for me, my family and friends, for our safety and success in bringing this matter to a close will always be greatly appreciated, along with extra loving thoughts to anyone offline suffering as a result of Edna Mcqueen causing them pain, suffering and misery. Thank you for reading, may you all be safe, happy, loved, blessed and healthy. Until next time..... Lots of love, Gina XoXo. Here's my video below:- Enclosed also is a brief set of screenshots of Edna Fae Mcqueen's mentally unstable and highly triggered outbursts attacking me. My looks are attacked by Edna Mcqueen on a daily basis, what you see below is nothing in comparison to what she does to me every single day. I have been on the receiving end of such outbursts and far worse for almost four years. As I'm sure you can appreciate, it takes it's toll on you in time and I have been diagnosed with chronic PTSD Type 2 trauma.

  • Update & Some Free Autumn Theme Word Art For You All

    Hello everyone, I'm sorry it has been a while since my last post. Sadly, I do still have a very aggressive, virulent, horribly unpleasant and vengeful stalker, Edna Fae Mcqueen who is 67 years old and is based in California. I cannot get through a single day without her stalking and harassing me and my friend, Carol, as well. I have involved certain advocates now and a Cyber Specialist team to help and assist me and to also liaise with Police both in my locale and in California as well. I will update you all when there have been some developments. Today has been a holiday here in the UK and it has been a most welcome day of rest for me and my family. I suffer with bouts of extreme exhaustion and have several chronic health conditions. The symptoms of those chronic health conditions are mostly extreme pain, exhaustion, migraines, breathing issues, peripheral neuropathy, digestive issues, nausea and so many more, too many to list. I try and walk and exercise a lot daily, walking miles with my little Eddie dog and also working as well, I also like to go swimming when I can and cycling is also something I really enjoy as well. I have to keep active as I'm frightened of ending up severely disabled. Anyhow, I am digressing, just to update you all a little more on my current circumstances relating to my vile stalker and her 'cuz' .... I want to also mention the positives that have come from such an ugly and traumatic life occurrence .... I have gained the support of some truly wonderful and remarkable people and they have kept me strong and carrying on throughout this almost four year ordeal. I have also had to say goodbye to those I thought were friends and who turned out to be anything but friends to me and that's okay. I am always grateful for having my eyes opened and would much rather surround myself with people who genuinely love and care for me, not for what they can gain from me or use me to achieve a goal in their own life. It's been an enlightening experience and a valuable one overall. Okay, back to the free word art, I hope you all enjoy the free gifts from me, they are a gift from me to you and to Creators, Designers and Artists to say thank you for standing with me though the tough times, thank you for signing up to become a site member and for also subscribing to my website as well. Thank you for following me and for showing kindness and support over the years. ***TERMS AND CONDITIONS*** The terms and conditions for use of the enclosed word arts in the .zip folder are as follows. Everyone apart from Edna Fae Mcqueen is permitted to use my art and designs (Please refer to the public disclaimer on my Home page HERE for more information. If you download the folder, please be advised that these files are .PSD files in layered format and will open in both Photoshop and Corel Paintshop Pro. You are welcome to alter the colours to suit your requirements and to also animate them, you can hide certain layers, for example, if you don't wish to use an element enclosed, simply close off the layer. You can resize to suit your requirements and add any embellishments you want to customize your word art and creations. You may not use these word arts for commercial use or for any monetary gain of any kind. Reselling these word arts in part or in full is strictly prohibited and is illegal and classed as copyright infringement. Please do not share any of the files in part or in full, instead, please refer anyone interested in these word arts to my blog where they can download the .zip folder and read through the terms and conditions of use. Feel free to copy and paste these terms and conditions to your notes. Thank you and enjoy the freebies, lots of love to you all, Gina. I have enclosed a couple of previews for you all as well, I hope you enjoy the gifts, please do comment and let me know if you use and enjoy them, also show me your beautiful creations and leave a link to them so I can see them, I would love to see what you create!! ... Thank you so much for all the love and support. Bye for now!

  • My Life Update - Addressing My Cruel Stalker - 2022

    Hello everyone, I know it has been a long time and I really don't know where to start here. I hope you are all doing well and are okay? As much as I have toyed with the idea of posting this blog, I always held back in the past., however, after recent developments this past month, I feel like I have no choice in the matter but to put this out there for my own safety and that of my family. It has become such a severe and unpleasant situation for me and I now am unable to make any purchases online as my stalker will make those transactions known to the public and to her followers, along with my full name and home address with the intent of placing me and my family in danger, otherwise known as doxing or doxxing, depending on how you prefer to spell it. To give you some background and insight into how this all came to be, she noticed me online back in 2019 and I caught her eye with my animation art and video work. She began to follow me on social media, primarily Instagram and Pinterest as Edna Mcqueen/Lady In Red and also as Martin Hail which is one of her many false identities she uses. As the months passed, I began to feel somewhat uncomfortable as I noticed she was taking my work from my profiles and placing them on her own Facebook pages and taking the credit for it. I kept quiet until I noticed she also stole my identity and cloned my Facebook Business Page in March 2020, which at the time, I was hardly posting anything to. I politely approached her and asked her to stop and that is how all of this began and escalated into what it is today. Several decent people have approached me over the years, around 7 of them and all have their own personal accounts of unpleasant experiences with this woman, ranging from being hacked, completely catfished and controlled and not allowed to have any female friends, isolating this poor soul from his family, he suffered this in total for 3 years before he tried to make a break. She would be unkind to any female he spoke to, tell them to back off as she was his wife, all this time she was and still is married to what I perceive to be a wonderful man who treats her well and provides for her and cares for and tends to her needs like a devoted and loving husband would. I have also heard accounts of her being extremely vile and abusive to a daughter grieving for her father who passed away, she was abused in a private message by my stalker who told her she was to blame for her father's untimely death and called her a murderer. She used the false identity of Barbara Chavez to do this and after analysis of the message, which I have screenshot evidence of, it is very clear this is my stalker who has done this to the poor dear soul. Other's have come forward with accounts of having their animation art claimed by her, another couple have had their identities stolen by her as well as being harassed by her, along with their accounts being hacked. It appears she has left a destructive footprint online of abusive and unpleasant behaviour towards others, including myself. In each case I have heard from, all have stated their Facebook accounts were hacked. Why did this all start? Great question and I wish I could pinpoint the cause, but from my experiences with this creature over the years, I can only conclude that her abhorrent behaviour boils down to jealousy and obsession, a very dangerous obsession and an insane amount of jealousy combined with the deepest, most demonic hatred I have ever known in an individual ever in my life. She will go to great lengths to stalk and harass me and devotes her entire day to stalking me online and trying to find out any slight piece of information about me to twist into her own sick and distorted tale to feed to her followers and anyone willing to entertain her low level mentality. To give you some idea of how far she will go, she has recently gained information into my financial transactions I made online, posted this knowledge to her friend/cuz, a Mr Rusty Downs, some wild, sick and disgusting lie as her mind is very unwell indeed and she is documented online as being mentally unstable. I never mentioned my purchases to anyone as what I did buy was for a terminally ill friend. It was never meant to be a public announcement, I never even told my family about it, I wanted to keep it private between my friend and I out of respect for her and what she is suffering. Another recent development is her doxing me on Facebook, only not just on any Facebook business page. My full name and business address was posted to a page she created to clone my friend's Facebook business page, along with a tirade of jealous, rage fuelled abuse towards me. What are Facebook and the Police doing? Another very good question, at the moment I am waiting on both parties to contact me after supplying the evidence of her behaviour online, inclusive of screenshots and screen recordings sent to me by a friend. I will update when I know more. I have also sought legal advice as it has been ongoing for so long, again, I will update as and when I am able to. Why don't you just block her? Again, a very good question and one in which I have always answered with the same response. I do block her, my social media account on Facebook is private, unfortunately you cannot make your Facebook business page private. Even if you block someone, they are still able to view your Facebook page and stalk and harass you as a result. In terms of my other social media, I cannot make my Pinterest account private, I have my Instagram profile public because that is a place where I post my artwork. My TikTok is also public for the same reason. Regarding Facebook, I have solid proof that Edna Mcqueen hacked my account. I had very personal and private images and information about me associated with that account, my full name has never been put out on social media by me, plus the images Edna Mcqueen acquired were from a photo album that only I could view as it contained images of my family. The private info was also what I hoped would remain private. She put it all out there in the public domain on a platform called MeWe in November/December 2020. All of it was posted to her Lady In Red pages, her profile too and she created an account in March 2019 as Rebecca Smith, changing it to my identity for the purpose of identity and art theft and abuse. She would take my work from my Facebook business page and plaster it all over MeWe, including the account she created using my identity which was under the name of Rebecca Smith prior. I have also blocked 46+ TikTok accounts she created as she went on a stalking spree of me and tried to follow me using those false identities, everything is documented. I have also been harassed by her in emails, she started pelting my inbox with her crap and on an email address I never gave to anyone else, which is incredibly creepy coupled with her already disturbing behaviour. It got to the stage where I deleted the email account, I had no choice but to, or be harassed by her for eternity. If I block her, she just creates new accounts under false identities to continue to stalk me. It is never ending. In as brief a summary as possible, Edna Mcqueen and Rusty Downs over the past 3 years have stalked, harassed and cyberbullied me. They have doxed me for the purpose of endangerment of me and my family and to try to humiliate me with slanderous accusations, cloned me and stole my identity 4 times, pretended to be me and plagiarised my art, my words and my style. They have doxed me several times, issued death threats, sent abusive text messages to my USA phone number, posted images of me and my family for the sole purpose of abuse and endangerment of us, hacked my Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest accounts, posted vitriol on all social media about me and my family. To give you just a small few examples, I will post something and use my own words, Edna Mcqueen will then take my words and use them in her own way, coupled with copying my style of creativity. I run an art shop on my Facebook business page, recently she tried to pretend she does the same. She is insanely jealous of me and obsessed with me to the point she has to emulate me in the most abnormal and disturbing ways. If I post a video of me walking my dog, she watches and gets all nasty, bitter and jealous and will counter post to try and make herself feel better. She hates me posting my nice little garden, for example, the view from a room I work in, if I see lovely flowers in the meadow, I will record them and post those as well, she seems to have this ridiculous idea that she has to have some oneupmanship on me and has accused me of trying to outpsend her when I don't even pay attention to her and what I do post involves no monetary expense. Edna Mcqueen has invested the last 3 years of her life completely devoted to cyberstalking and harassing me and my friend, Carol. In the past she has made sexual references in posts solely about my private body parts. That is disgusting. She will then launch into a tirade of abuse about my looks in general, yet, she wants to be me. I don't get it? She goes absolutely crazy if I post a video of myself or if I post a photo, she will post bitter and hateful status updates and comments to the Facebook business page she has in place to clone my friend and all her pages actually under her Lady In Red alias, as well as others she is behind. The main abuse occurs on Facebook as other social media outlets do not allow such content on their platform. You would assume that this is the behaviour of a jealous little adolescent girl who is bored with life and thinks she will get away with it as she is still not classed as an adult. No, you couldn't be more way off. Edna Mcqueen is a 67 year old woman, who, as far as I know, has a decent life offline with a decent man. I simply am at a loss as to why this woman behaves the way in which she does online in general and towards me and for so long too. Whenever I ask myself why, I always arrive at the same conclusion. She is jealous and mentally unstable. Thank you for reading my post. I will advise you all of the outcome of this unpleasant situation at the hands of this criminal. Gina XoXo

  • 2020 - What A Year!

    Well, I guess you maybe might be wondering where I have been all these months? ... I have been around, just not as much as I would've liked to have been. I'm not sure where to begin, I did wonder whether I would be better not to discuss some of the things I am mentioning in here, I would prefer it not to be so public, however, I am now at the stage whereby I feel I don't have much choice and if I continue to choose silence on here (which I personally prefer) I might end up in a worse position for choosing that option. A lot has happened and the topic I wanted to remain away from here is to do with someone who stole my identity on Facebook twice this year, coupled with my videos and pretended to be me. This lame excuse for a human being truly believed and still does, that she has some God given entitlement to pretend to be me and to pretend she is the creator of my videos. Something she has done and does with impunity. Not only that, she has done the very same thing to two other friends of mine, one of them is still being cloned right now. She would probably still be doing the same to me, however she is fully aware the police are involved with this matter. Also she really screwed up assuming I was behind a page that I wasn't. The woman is an absolute disgrace, I have never known someone be so full on lunatic stalker like she is, someone who never posts their real photo and who pretends they are 20 years younger and living a life that simply doesn't exist for them. I get reports in daily pretty much informing me she has stalked all my social media, the information I'm in receipt of is that of someone who is full on aggressively stalked online. If she's not stealing my face, my work and my life, she is going through my social media with a fine tooth comb looking for anything she can grasp to use in her sorry and sad, sick vendetta. She has posted death threats, nasty little messages just for my benefit, she has been reported to Facebook for copyright infringement whereby she stole my personal photos and got someone to make crappy videos from them ... Both of which were removed by Facebook thankfully. She also makes fake profiles to try and talk to me, she encourages her gang of bullies to leave nasty comments on my Facebook page, last one was this morning and it is so clear after a little research these people lead straight back to her. She's not too clever in that sense. She also enjoys trying to harass myself and D on Bandlab, somewhere she again makes fake profiles. She stalked me on TikTok. I decided to get a TikTok account, I will be posting the link to the home page very soon, she stalked me there too until I thankfully got her to block me. She has a massive obsession with some of my videos, my Midnight Angel one in particular which she loves to try and convince everyone she made ... She also tried spinning a wild tale that her best friend made the image, again, another fat load of lies.... She cannot tell the difference between a digital painting and a photo manipulation either, it's like I'm a genius at chess and she's the idiot pigeon strutting over the board crapping on it and kicking the pieces over like she's winning. I'm dealing with a complete and total oxymoron, psychopath, stalking lunatic and sociopath. To give you an idea of how long this has been going on, I first found out about this crazy female doing this to me back in April 2020. Due to this feeble minded cretin, I have been spending a lot of time liaising with police, Victim Support and the Action Fraud team here. There is always something to pass to them. She is constantly harassing me in one way or another. She also tried hacking my Instagram account so many times, I eventually lost count but have all that nonsense logged. I have been ignoring her stupidity and nonsense recently, her taking still shots of a video and trying to get someone to make one from it, her stalking my social media like the obsessed lunatic she is, if only she knew how unimportant she is to me. I don't even look at her pages on Facebook, I get sent any screenshots from my friends who have my back thankfully so I don't have to waste my precious time and my life on that pile of crap. So, if any of you are fans or followers of Lady In Red Coffee Hour and her many other pages, Martin and Angels and Butterflies and the rest along with those, please be advised of the type of person you are connected with. Sure, it might only be about the videos for you, but whilst you are sharing those lovely videos, please keep in mind you are enabling a complete fraud. Someone else out there worked hard to create that video, they spent money on music maybe, they purchased the software. I know I buy most of the music I use unless it's non copyright. They've had their hard work stolen from them and claimed by a complete fraud. The music usually gets changed so something rubbish as well, their info gets covered at times by stickers so you all believe you are following a genuine creator when you aren't ... If you still want to follow and like her pages then that is your choice, I'm not telling you not to enjoy Facebook at all, I'm just asking you to have a think about how those creators and artists feel when their work is taken and claimed by this Lady In Red person, her real name is Edna Mcqueen, or Edna Garcia as she also goes by ... Not her real name but it suits a fake persona she has created for those who believe her every word. Think on how you would feel to have not only your videos and art stolen, but your face stolen, your page cloned, your life copied, your identity stolen, how you try to make a profile somewhere else, only to find you have been stalked and followed there by a lunatic obsessed with you, hearing from the nutcase using fake profiles to be nasty and abusive or too friendly, I can think of at least five times she has done this to me in the space of just over a month. That is nuts. Don't forget their friends being abusive to you also. As happened to me this morning. It just goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on........... So, that's one reason why I have been quieter ...... I have been painting, I am in the middle of about five unfinished pieces, I seem to start something and then something else and never get round to finishing anything I want to get done and in a time slot too. I have also been having some health problems as well, I have neurosarcoidosis as well as multi systemic sarcoidosis and this has caused me to flare up recently, I had a nasty migraine for roughly ten days, I was in bed for the majority of that time, only surfacing to cook for my son and walk my dog, the daylight was so bright I had to wear sunglasses or my head and eyes would've been a lot worse... I had to spend most of my time in the dark, resting in the peace and quiet, painting wasn't an option due to the glare of the screen so I am now way behind in my artwork. I hope to be able to catch up with everything in the next few weeks, all being well. I will blog again very shortly, I have some updates to get through and I also want to welcome all new site members and to bring everyone together in the forum which has been quieter since my absence... It would be lovely for site members to get to know one another and to feel they can chat comfortably and safely in my forum. Please do feel free to join in and share anything you would like to share there, I only ask that nothing inappropriate is posted there. Thank you for reading, I will be back again soon to update you all on my latest artwork and to let you know what is happening. If you would like to follow me anywhere else, the links to my various social media pages are on the home page. I am also writing a short story to publish to Wattpad, I am hoping to get that done shortly as well. So much to do! :) Lots of love, Gina XoXoXoXo This is the Midnight Angel video I made back in 2019, I added some extra sparkles to it a few months ago... Please enjoy. Also I have enclosed the video below if you want to see a small fraction of the harassment I have received this year since April. Please pause the video when you need to as I made it as an interim video to the main one I am still working on, I had to speed it up in places to try and keep it as short as possible but still get the message over. The content in the video below is the tip of the iceberg, there is so much to this, it is just horrible, however, it proves I am being stalked everywhere, you will see I have had my work on Tenor stolen by Edna, you only need to compare the dates to see my uploads were first and she has stolen them at a later date and captioned them with the words "Edna's Art" .... As I said, please pause the video when you need to. I am hoping to have the main video finished in a few weeks time, I just keep getting stuff daily to add to it so I need to decide what to keep in it and what to leave out or it'll be hours long.

  • Pebbles The Puppy PSP Tube On Sale Now Plus Motion Graphics BIG News!

    First of all, please accept my apologies for not blogging as regularly as I was before lockdown. It has been a very difficult and trying time at home with the problems arising from the alleged virus outbreak and subsequent lockdown. I hope you are all keeping well? I have been busy painting my latest PSP Tube, Pebbles The Puppy, he is now on sale in Secret Garden Designs and I think he is my favourite painting I have done to date. I feel like I reached a milestone with Pebbles and have gained some extra confidence through this experience and painting process. He has been an absolute joy to paint for me and will always serve as a reminder of what feels like a massive achievement and step in a positive direction with my art. “Would you like to purchase him?” If so, you can click on the shop now button to take you to Secret Garden Designs or by simply clicking the link here -> Moving along to my motion graphics videos. These have really taken off online and proven to be extremely popular on all social media platforms I'm registered with, especially Pinterest. As a thank you to everyone following me especially on Pinterest where my followers have passed the 100,000 threshold, I am now featuring a Motion Of The Month on my website here. Each month I will pick a favourite motion graphics video that has proven popular with followers and I will feature it here for the duration of that month only. During that time you will be not only able to view the motion video, but also download it to your device. The download option is only available on my website and not anywhere else I host my motion graphics. It will only feature for that month so once the month has ended, that's it, you will not be able to download my video, once it's gone, it's gone. You can view and download my featured motion videos here MOTION OF THE MONTH - JULY 2020 MIDNIGHT ANGEL Just a note, if you do download my videos, please do not alter them, cover them with your information, do not change the music or remove my information and please do not claim them as your creation and host them elsewhere on places like YouTube and TikTok for example.

  • My Latest Art And Motion Graphics Discussion

    Hello and thank you for swinging by my latest blog. I hope you're all keeping well and enjoying what's left of the weekend. I was hoping to raise the topic here of motion graphics as I'm curious to know how many of you out there make them? I love making them as a pass time, when I'm not painting or doing graphic design, I sit in bed and play with apps on my phone. It is a very relaxing hobby for me. What I find to be a huge down side is when my hard work is then taken by someone else, they add their watermark to MY MOTION GRAPHIC VIDEO, then claim they are the creator. Not only that, they then try to follow me on Instagram. It's becoming more and more apparent that there are quite a few shady animation thieves out there stealing my work and engagement on top. While I am not the image owner, something I always have to keep in mind, I do spend a fair bit of time making the motion graphics and for someone to then come along, steal them, in some cases even alter the music I paid for and used, it is really shady behaviour. I have set up a discussion in the forum on my website, if you would like to join in the chat, I would really love to hear from you, Look forward to you joining in. Ok, moving along ... I have been busy with painting since my last DonnaLee Doll PSP Tube, I have painted Lucas The Love Bunny,my first ever painting of a bunny rabbit. I am super proud of this achievement and I really hope you enjoy my art as much as I thoroughly enjoy painting. “Would you like to purchase him?” If so, you can click on the shop now button to take you to Secret Garden Designs or by simply clicking the link here -> The March Collab set of papers with macaroons and special edition of Lucas The Baseball Bunny will not be available until later this month, this section of the store collab will only be available if you spend $10 or more and you will be able to add this to your cart as a free gift. Lucas The Baseball Bunny is a limited edition PSP Tube and only available as part of the collab. I really appreciate all your support of my art, it really means a lot so thank you. I do hope you're all keeping well and that you're enjoying the rest of the weekend, I will be making a tag using Lucas The Love Bunny very soon and will post it to a new blog entry upon completion. Thank you all so much for visiting my website and blog, don't forget to join the forum and get involved in the friendly chats we currently have going on, you'll be most welcome. Take care and see you all again soon, Love Gina xoxo


Gina 101 Creative Moods 

Pastel Memories Kit (65).png
Pastel Memories Kit (65).png
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© 2019 by Gina 101 Creative.

Proudly created with imagination and tea

Lofi the salty taste of the wind
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